Web JavaScript SDK for Web Call Server

Web SDK is a set of scripts containing functions to manage video streams and calls in a browser such as call, answer, hangup, playStream, stopStream and so on.

Web SDK flowchart:


All communications are held via the Websocket protocol. Commands and statuses are transmitted using it.

The WebRTC, Flash and Websocket Streaming technologies are used to send audio and video data.


Contents of the Web JavaScript API build

To start working with the API, download the web client build here and upload it unpacked to your web server.

To test WebRTC examples in Google Chrome it is required to open all pages using the https:// prefix and the wss:// address of the server, for example, wss:// If you use your own Web Call Server, you should import SSL certificates in the administrative interface.

The files of the build looks as follows:


Here are main dependencies and contents of the build:

dependencies and supplemental files

bootstrap Bootstrap CSS-framework for make up demos in the examples/demo folder
flash SWF-file to transmit audio and video using the Flash technology if WebRTC is not available
ie8 Scripts to maintain operation in IE8
ie9 Scripts to maintain operation in IE9
jquery Supplemental jquery scripts
js Supplemental scripts
screen-sharing Screensharing extension for the Firefox browser as xpi file. This extension is compiled for the domain. To make it for your own domain, please refer to recommendations on embedding of screen sharing.
swf The folder holds swfobject,js to position the Flash object on the page, and player.swf that is used as a test RTMP player on the SIP as RTMP demo page.
websocket-player This folder contains WSReceiver.js and WSPlayer.js scripts required for Websocket Player to work in iOS Safari and other browsers
examples / demo – test examples at http://host:9091
demo/chat Text chats
demo/click-to-call The ‘Click to Call’ button to make calls from a browser
demo/phone The web-telephone with the bare minimum interface
demo/phone-ui The web-telephone with the full interface
demo/rtmfp-client The test Flash client to publish and play streaming video via the RTMP and RTMFP protocols
screen-sharing Bare minimum screensharing from a browser
sip-as-rtmp Broadcasting of a SIP call to an RTMP server
streaming Sending of a streaming video to the server and playing of the video from the server in WebRTC- and Flash-compatible browsers such as Chrome, IE etc.
streaming-ui The web interface for WebRTC streaming in Chrome, Firefox, Opera browsers.
video-chat Video chat between browsers
vow-player Playing video streams via the Websockets protocol for iOS Safari and other browsers without WebRTC or Flash support
vow-player-ui The web interface of the Websocket player
examples / min – the minimum code for embedding
click-to-call The code for the Click-to-Call button
phone The code for audio chat or audio SIP calls
phone-video The code for video chat or video SIP calls
screen-sharing The code for screen sharing
sip-as-rtmp The code for broadcasting of a SIP call to an RTMP server or CDN
streaming The code for broadcasting and playing video streams
vow-player-min The code for playing video streams in the iOS safari browser using the Websocket streaming technology


Therefore, the build contains all necessary examples and the code required to work with Web Call Server.

All examples in examples / demo are available on our test server at If you installed Web Call Server to your system, the examples are available at http://host:9091 or https://host:8888

Examples in examples / min contain the ‘bare minimum’ code required for embedding to your web page. These examples usually do not change statuses or button states, so we recommend to test them with Chrome / Developer Tools for debugging.


Initializing the API

The following part of the script receives a reference to the API object:

var f = Flashphoner.getInstance();

Then, we can add several listeners to process events coming from the server:

f.addListener(WCSEvent.ErrorStatusEvent, errorEvent);
f.addListener(WCSEvent.ConnectionStatusEvent, connectionStatusListener);
f.addListener(WCSEvent.StreamStatusEvent, streamStatusListener);

Then, we create a configuration object that holds all API settings:

var configuration = new Configuration();
configuration.remoteMediaElementId = ‘remoteVideo’;
configuration.localMediaElementId = ‘localVideo’;
configuration.elementIdForSWF = “flashVideoDiv”;
configuration.pathToSWF = “../../../dependencies/flash/MediaManager.swf”;

Finally, we call the ‘init’ method to perform initialization:


After initialization the API is ready for work.


API event listeners

When we initialized the API before, we used several listener functions that are events we can process.

ConnectionStatusEvent Status of Web Call Server connection
ErrorStatusEvent The status of the error occurred while working with the API
StreamStatusEvent The status of the video stream
RegistrationStatusEvent The SIP gateway authorization status
CallStatusEvent The status of the incoming or outgoing call
OnCallEvent Incoming call
OnTransferEvent Incoming request to transfer the call
OnTransferStatusEvent Call transfer status
OnMessageEvent Incoming text message
MessageStatusEvent The status of the incoming or outgoing text message
Custom Data Exchange
OnDataEvent Received an incoming data object
DataStatusEvent The status of the outgoing data object
BugReportStatusEvent The status of the bug report sent to the server
RecordingStatusEvent The status of the call recording
XcapStatusEvent The status of Xcap call request from the server to the third-party server


To get the full information about parameters of the listeners, please refer to the the Call Flow documentation that describes all the parameters in details.

Example using a listener. Displaying the status of the video stream to the Google Chrome console:

f.addListener(WCSEvent.StreamStatusEvent, streamStatusListener);
function streamStatusListener(event){


Configuring the API

Upon API initializing, the following configuration object is passed:

var configuration = new Configuration();
configuration.remoteMediaElementId = ‘remoteVideo’;
configuration.localMediaElementId = ‘localVideo’;
configuration.elementIdForSWF = “flashVideoDiv”;
configuration.pathToSWF = “../../../dependencies/flash/MediaManager.swf”;


Parameter Description
remoteMediaElementId ID of the HTML5 video element on the page that is used to play the video stream from the server localMediaElementId ID of the HTML5 video element on the page that is used to display the local web camera.
localMediaElementId ID of the HTML5 video element on the page that is used to display the local web camera.
elementIdForSWF ID of the block where the Flash object is inserted to for compatibility with IE, Edge, Safari browsers
pathToSWF Relative or absolute URL of the swf file MediaManager.swf that provides streaming video playback using Flash if WebRTC is not supported by the browser
wsPlayerCanvas ID of the HTML5 canvas element that is used to display the video stream from Websocket Player in iOS Safari and other browsers that do not support WebRTC and Flash
wsPlayerReceiverPath The path to the WSReceiver.js file that implements delivery of the video stream using the Websocket technology in browsers that do not support WebRTC and Flash such as iOS Safari.
videoWidth The default width of the video to play and publish video streams.
videoHeight The default height of the video to play and publish video streams.


Initialization ends with the call to the ‘init’ method with the required partameters:


Web API is opensource, and the source codes are available on Github .The main API file Flashphoner.js features the complete implementation of API functions and all parameters directly in the source code.


API functions


Connection Listeners:

connect Establish connection to the server
disconnect Close connection
Streaming Listeners:

publishStream Publish the video stream on the server
unPublishStream Stop publishing the video stream on the server.
playStream Play the video stream from the server.
pauseStream Pause the playback.No data from the server are transmitted.
stopStream Stop the playback of the video stream.
Calls Listeners:

call Make an outgoing call
answer Answer the incoming call
hangup Hang up the call
hold Put the call on hold unhold Pick up the call transfer Transfer the call
unhold Pick up the call
transfer Transfer the call
sendDTMF Send a tone signal
Screen Sharing Listeners:

shareScreen Start sharing the screen
getScreenAccess Request for screen access
isScreenSharingExtensionInstalled Check if screen sharing extension is installed.
Messaging Listeners:

sendMessage Send a text message
Custom Data Exchange Listeners:

sendData Send a data object
XCAP support Listeners:

sendXcapRequest Send an XCAP request
Bug reporting Listeners:

submitBugReport Send a bug report to the server
Remote logging
pushLogs Send client logs to the server
Local controls
getStatistics Get statistics on audio and video
getAccess Get access to the camera / microphone
hasAccess Check if there’s access to the camera / microphone
checkAndGetAccess Check if there’s access to the camera / microphone and if no, query the browser for access (WebRTC or Flash Player).
releaseCameraAndMicrophone Release the camera and the microphone
getVolume Get the current volume level
setVolume Set the volume level
muteVideo Put video capturing on hold
unmuteVideo Continue video capturing mute Put microphone capturing on hold
unmute Continue microphone capturing
isVideoMuted Check if video is capturing
playFirstSound Play a sound on button press. This is required for mobile browsers such as iOS Safari to make the sound appear in smartphone’s speakers.


Usage examples of Web JavaScript API

API operation is best illustrated on examples/demo and examples/min that are part of the build as described above.

Links to specific code examples:

Web telephone for calls through the SIP gateway

The сlick-to-сall button for online calls from the website

RTSP-HTML5 player to broadcast video from IP cameras

Recording WebRTC video streams from a browser

Online broadcasting from the webcam of a browser

RTMP broadcasting from live encoders

A video chat between browsers and mobile applications

Broadcasting of SIP calls to an RTMP server or CDN

Browser screen sharing and broadcasting using the WebRTC technology

Support for Amazon EC2 cloud service in Web Call Server

Mobile SDK for WebRTC online broadcasts and video calls from an iOS application

For additional information, please visit technical support forums or refer to the documentation


This page is out of date

Please visit the actual Web SDK page

Download Web Call Server 5

System requirements: Linux x86_64, 1 core CPU, 2 Gb RAM, Java

    Download Now    


  1. wget
  2. Unpack and install using ''
  3. Launch server using command 'service webcallserver start'
  4. Open the web interface https://host:8444 and activate your license


If you are using Amazon EC2, you don't need to download anything.

Launch WCS5 on Amazon EC2


Web Call Server Monthly Subscription

$145 per month

