

How to check the possibility of broadcasting RTSP stream from IP cameras in various Web-browsers


In order to demonstrate the feasibility of Web Call Server was created a demo page, where you can check how the RTSP content  displayed in the Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari and other  browsers under particular OS (MS Windows, Android OS, iOS, Mac OS X).


Testing RTSP stream in VLC Player

At first, let’s quickly check out if the RTSP stream is available and transmits video. Open the stream in VLC Player. If the stream plays properly, we can test the web interface. You can get the RTSP URL from the IP camera control panel or just use some publicly available RTSP video stream, like this one: rtsp://

VLC player with RTSP stream


Testing RTSP-WebRTC stream in Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox browsers 

Let’s make sure the same RTSP stream plays OK on a simple HTML page in Chrome and Firefox browsers.

1. Load the demo interface at, and switch to ‘Demo / Streaming Min’. This is a minimum HTML5 web interface that uses the WebRTC technology to display the RTSP video stream in Chrome and Firefox browsers.

WebRTC_Demo interface_main window

2. Connectwith Web Call Server

WebRTC_beginning demo

3. Put in the address of the RTSP camera and run the playback of the stream:

 Established connection WebRTC_Web Call Server

WebRTC_streaming content

So, we have successfully tested RTSP stream playback in Google Chrome. The same test can be conducted for Firefox and Opera browsers on those desktop and mobile platforms that provide support for the WebRTC technology in browsers.


Testing RTSP-Websocket stream in Safari browser under iOS and Mac OS X

iOS browsers do not support WebRTC. That is why we need a standalone ‘WS Player Min’ player that fetches the stream via the Websocket protocol and displays it in an HTML5-Canvas element of the browser.

 1. Just like with Chrome, we need to open the demo interface page, but we need another menu item now:

WebSocket main window demo interface 

2. Then, we connect to Web Call Server


3. Now, put in the known address of the RTSP broadcast and play the video stream:

WebSocket_Established connection


Therefore, you can convert the RTSP traffic with Web Call Server and watch it on the majority of Web browsers including mobile platforms as demonstrated above.

The next step is adding an HTML5 RTSP player to your own website. The process is covered thoroughly in the Embedding section.


Video of RTSP-WebRTC and RTSP-Websocket player testing

 RTSP-WebRTC player for Chrome and Firefox


RTSP-Websocket player for iOS Safari



This page is out of date

Please visit the new page describing process of RTSP-HTML5 testing