Web Call Server 5 Licensing and Pricing

WCS5 offers two general licenses: SIMPLE and ENTERPRISE

SIMPLE – The license is provided “AS IS” with customer support via the forum. There is no guaranted response time. There is no guaranted bug fixing time. Free updates are available within 1 year since the day of purchase of the license. This license is for small companies and startups. For example, if you only need one simple feature from WCS5 that already works and doesn’t require frequent interactions with the technical support. A SIMPLE license does not have any technical limitations besides the limitation: one license per server.

ENTERPRISE – This license type guarantees that functions you purchased will work as intended in your environment. Guaranted response time of the technical support is the next business day or sooner. Guaranted bugfixes and individual solutions until a possbile issue is resolved completely. This license suits large organizations and service providers willing to provide reliable service for their subscribers and to receive prompt technical support, bugfixes and updates. The license costs vary and depend on the chosen set of functions and the number of simultaneous calls/connections. You can read more about calculation of the cost of the ENTERPRISE-license here.

Switching from SIMPLE to ENTERPRISE or vice versa is not allowed. Simultaneous use of SIMPLE and ENTERPRISE licenses is not allowed and is considered a breach of the license agreement.

Table of differences between SIMPLE and ENTERPRISE:

SIMPLE License

1. Technical forums Yes Yes
2. Individual technical support by e-mail or via the ticket system No Yes
3. Guaranteed technical support response No Next business day
4. Installation to your server * $149 Order Included
5. License cost ** $999 Buy to ENTERPRISE
6. Branding is required ** Yes No
7. Delivery time Next business day 15 minutes
8. Free upgrades 1 Year 6-18 months or long-term support contracts. to ENTERPRISE
9. Available server nodes 1 (one) 1-16 to ENTERPRISE
10. Features All listed features in, excepting disabled. Selected features in. to ENTERPRISE
11. Maximum number of concurrent connections and simultaneous calls Unlimited Limited. to ENTERPRISE


* – The software is installed to your server within 24 hours after we receive access to your server. If additional information is required to configure the system including Firewall, NAT and other settings, the installation time may increase for the time required for you to provide these data.

** – The license cost includes obligatory branding. If the branding option is ‘Yes’, this means, by using this license you are required to put a direct link at every web-page where Web Call Server is used including pages sending or accepting SIP calls, messages, video streams and so on. If a web page or a mobile application displays or playback the content processed by Web Call Server it must also have the branding link. The anchor text of the link should be: ‘WebRTC Streaming Powered by Flashphoner’ or ‘WebRTC-SIP calls powered by Flashphoner’. URL of the link:



FeaturesSimultaneous Calls (SC)2481632641282565121024
Browser-SIP Audio and Signaling Features
WebRTC Audio & SignalingBrowser - Browser G.711, Opus calls
Browser - SIP/GSM G.711, Opus calls
Browser - SIP/GSM G.729 calls
Plain Instant Messaging
SIP SIMPLE Instant Messaging
Hold and Transfer calls
Audio Call Recording
Add Flash Fallback
Browser-SIP Video Features
WebRTC VideoBrowser - Browser VP8 calls
Browser - SIP VP8 calls
Browser - SIP VP8-H.263 calls
Browser - SIP VP8-H.264 calls
Flash VideoBrowser - SIP H.263 calls
Browser - SIP H.264 calls
Browser - Browser H.264 calls
Streaming Features
Video ChatWebRTC as WebRTC
iOS Safari PlaybackWebRTC as HTML5 Websocket
RTSP as HTML5 Websocket
RTMFP as HTML5 Websocket
Stream RecordingWebRTC Stream Recording
Flash Stream Recording
RTSP PlaybackRTSP as WebRTC
Supplementary FeaturesBroadcasting of a SIP call to RTMP server
WebRTC Screen Sharing
Support and Maintenance
Included Support and Maintenance Period3 month6 months9 months1 year1.5 year
Cost of Next Support and Maintenance Period100%80%60%50%40%








  Please select a suitable licensing plan and a set of features. Aren’t sure which features you need? Please, read LICENSING TERMS below or contact us via email or skypeID





General Terms

SC – Simultaneous calls. One browser client in the ‘talking’ state. Browser is receiving and/or sending an audio and/or video streams.
For messaging features the license allows SC*5 active text chatters.
For WebRTC live video and broadcasting features, the license allows SC*10 concurrent connections.


‘Pre-ordering’ – some features are disabled and not currently available for selection and order. These are pre-ordered features. Please, contact us to agree upon an order of such software features.

Audio and Signaling

Browser – Browser G.711, Opus calls – WebRTC audio calls from Browser to Browser with the use of specified codecs.

Browser – SIP/GSM G.711, Opus calls – WebRTC audio calls from Browser to SIP and from SIP to Browser with the use of specified codecs.

Browser – SIP/GSM G.729 calls – WebRTC audio calls from Browser to SIP and from SIP to Browser with the use of specified codecs.

Plain Instant Messaging – Websocket Browser to Browser, Browser to SIP, SIP to Browser messaging using text/plain MESSAGE requests.

SIP SIMPLE Instant Messaging – Websocket advanced messaging using SIP SIMPLE specifications: CPIM, IMDN, multiple recipients messaging.

Hold and Transfer calls – WebRTC – SIP Hold and Transfer features – hold and transfer of calls.

DTMF RFC 2833 and SIP INFO – Websocket/WebRTC – SIP DTMF via SIP INFO or RFC2833.

Audio Call Recording – WebRTC – recording of audio calls.

Add Flash Fallback – possibility to use audio and signaling features mentioned above in WebRTC compatible browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Android Chrome, Android Firefox, as well as browsers without WebRTC, but having Adobe Flash Player, such as IE10, Safari and other browsers with the latest version of Flash Player. This option is applicable to “Browser – Browser G.711, Opus calls”, “Browser – SIP/GSM G.711, Opus calls”, “Browser – SIP/GSM G.729 calls”, “Plain Instant Messaging”, “SIP SIMPLE Instant Messaging”, “Hold and Transfer calls”, “DTMF RFC 2833 and SIP INFO”, “Audio Call Recording” features.

Video Calls

Browser – Browser VP8 calls – WebRTC video calls from Browser to Browser using WebRTC VP8 codec.

Browser – SIP VP8 calls – WebRTC video calls from Browser to SIP and from SIP to Browser using WebRTC VP8 codec.

Browser – SIP VP8-H.263 calls – WebRTC – SIP Video calls using H.263 and H.263+ video codecs.

Browser – SIP VP8-H.264 calls – WebRTC – SIP Video calls using H.264 video codec.

Browser – SIP H.264 calls – Flash Player Browser – SIP H.264.

Browser – SIP H.263 calls – Flash Player Browser – SIP H.263.

Browser – Browser H.264 calls – Flash Player Browser – Browser H.264.

WebRTC Live Video and Broadcasting

WebRTC broadcasting between browsers – web browser is a broadcating source.

WebRTC broadcasting between RTSP IP Cam and browsers – IP camera is a broadcasting source.

WebRTC broadcasting using arbitrary third party RTSP server – Third party RTSP server is a broadcasting source.

Sharing of a WebRTC stream as an RTSP stream – Broadcasting of a WebRTC stream to RTSP players, RTSP re-streamers and other RTSP devices: VLC, QuickTime, Wowza, RTSP top boxes, etc. Stream source should be WebRTC browser like Chrome or Firefox. Stream source can be a screen-captured stream for real-time screen sharing.

Sharing of a WebRTC stream as a Websocket stream – Broadcasting of a WebRTC stream to browsers supporting HTML5 Websockets and HTML5 Canvas: iOS Safari, Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, etc. Stream source should be WebRTC browser like Chrome or Firefox. Stream source can be a screen-captured stream for real-time screen sharing.

Sharing of an RTSP stream as a Websocket stream – Re-Streaming of an RTSP source and delivery the RTSP source as HTML5 Websocket stream to compatible browsers: iOS Safari, Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, etc. Stream source should be an RTSP source supporting H.264 and G.711 codecs.





1. The license is lifetime.

2. Periods of free included technical support and updating are 3, 6, 9, 12, 18 months for Starter, Advanced, Enterprise-1, Enterprise-2, Ultimate plans, respectively.

3. Guaranteed response time is the next business day by email or via ticket system.

4. Cost of the next period of technical support and updating is 100%, 80%, 60%, 50%, 40% for Starter, Advanced, Enterprise-1, Enterprise-2, Ultimate plans, respectively.

5. The license is designed for one hardware or VPS server.

6. The license can be allocated between 2, 4, 8, 16 servers for Enterprise-2 128 SC, Enterprise-2 256 SC, Ultimate 512 SC, Ultimate 1024 SC plans, respectively. For example, Enterprise-2 128SC can be allocated between two hardware or VPS servers, 64 SC max per server.





We are working with SWREG payment gateway.

Visa, Mastercard, PayPal, Wire Transfer and other payment methods are accepted.

If you have any issues related the payment methods, please contact our sales department