In the table below you can see key Web Call Server releases, it’s names, list of new features and bugfixes.





03 Jul 2018


Several fixes and improvements



Added Flash metadata sending when Flash client plays stream from WCS


Fixed width and height in REST(/stream/find_all) response when publishing with Flash Streaming

Memory allocation optimization

Fixed RTMP video chat

Fixed: ignore unsupported RTMP command ‘FCSubscribe’


31 May 2018


Several fixes and improvements



Added rtmp_client_address property for outgoing RTMP connection

Added encoder_default_video_resolution property, default 640×480

Added HLS client remote address to debug log


Fixed CLI password setting issue

Fixed ClientNotFoundException on /rest-api/data/send query

Fixed HLS streams leak

Fixed: RTMP push doesn’t work when application instance is set in URL

Fixed RTMP Client connection with query string

Fixed: record file name does not match to REST hook passed one

Various fixes to avoid streaming artefacts via channel with losses


09 Apr 2018


Server perfomance improvements


Several fixes and improvements



Added WCSAgent and Session synchronizations

Added internal ip address (ip_local) to SDP announce. This behaviour is disabled by default. Setting rtc_ice_add_local_interface=true enables it

Added -XX:+ExplicitGCInvokesConcurrent in to prevent buffer overflow

Added: Ignore IPv6 ice candidates.

Added playStream log to be able to find corresponding client and see stream properties

Added Spring boot property ‘session-timeout’, default 10m

Set default core settings:

– stun_socket_queue_timeout=1500 by default

– custom_ice_agent=true by default

– tun_stack_default_thread_pool_size=0 by default

Added default JVM options

Added gc-core.log and gc-manager.log rotation

Added check for remote SDP without media

Added minBitrate and maxBitrate in kbps for streams

Added: get AAC config from codec if it is not available from other sources

Added read timeout to Websocket connection to prevent Websocket leak

Added new configuration property codecs_exclude_cdn to coordinate codecs in CDN

Added new property disable_rtc_avoid_transcoding_alg=false

Added RTSP Pcap server to capture stream from RTSP interleaved session dump files


Fixed double FAILED status on unpublish stream via CDN

Fix DTLS handshake in Firefox browser when receive SIP call, when agent have controlling role – add required attribute

Fixed: disable System.gc() by default, either for RMI and global

Fixed: reduce stack track on authentication failure

Fixed “Failed to add stream to proxy” CDN issue

Fixed: drop AAC frames starting with FIL (decoding only)

Fixed: rtmp/rtfmp sessionId changed between Connection and other events

Fixed Firefox 59 does not play streams issue

Fixed RTMP publishing with OBS Studio issue

Fixed “RTMP error: bad value” issue

Fixed “FAILED. Session not ready” for 2nd subscriber in CDN issue

Fixed: Corrected the parsing of fmtp-attributes in SDP

Fixed help for commands (add, update) in CLI

Fixed: give priority to local streams over CDN streams

Fixed RTSP agent termination

Fixed: do port bound checks to ip local instead of wildcard address

Fixed: check and set audio codec for flash streaming

Fixed playing audio only WebRTC stream


28 Feb 2018


New STUN settings


New dynamic CDN 2.0


Java HLS implementation


Several leaks and deadlocks fixes and preventions


API performance improvements


Several fixes and improvements



Added call hangup reason and client ip logging to CDR

Added native resources statistic

Added dynamic CDN 2.0

Added light implementation STUN socket and Ice agent

Added core server configuration parameter: custom_ice_agent=true to replace ice4j to custom version stun socket

Added core server configuration parameter: stun_socket_queue_size=1000 to specify size of internal package queue size in custom version stun socket

Added add core server configuration parameter: stun_socket_queue_timeout=10 to specify timeout in ms, for receive packages from socket

Added server to server ability STAN negotiate

Added logging to client logs from custom STUN implementation

Added jmx statistic in, per stun connection session and per stun agent session

Added Java HLS implementation

Added periodic_fir_request_interval=5000, useful for AVPF enabled endpoints

Added proxy_propagate_fir=true to turn on/off fir propagation from proxy group to feeding session

Added hls_time_min property for Java HLS implementation

Secure Websocket implemented for CDN

Added various tests for native resources leak

Added CDN REST controller

Added cdn_skip_pulled_streams property

Added option tcp_relay_packetization2=true

Added HLS property hls_min_list_size=1 to specify how much segments should be buffered before playlist creation

Added export MALLOC_ARENA_MAX=4 to prevent leaks on multicore CPUs

Added ability to disable log to DB -Dstream_stat_persist_data=true

Added property disable_manager_rmi=false to have ability to disable core -> manager communication


Various CDN fixes

Fixed WCS update

Various HLS fixes and refactoring

Fixed UDP port leak

Fixed WCSAgent deadlock

Fixed native resources and heap leak

Fixed REST statistics (/rest-api/stream/find_all) issue

API perfomance improvements