Interface IRequestCallback

public interface IRequestCallback
WCS Websocket callbacks, sent from WCS server to the Android app
  • Method Details

    • ping

      void ping()
      WCS sends ping request and awaiting pong response
    • getUserData

      void getUserData(Connection connection)
      WCS sends connwction data
      connection - connection object
    • getVersion

      void getVersion(String version)
      WCS sends number of server version
      version -
    • registered

      void registered()
      SIP. WCS sends SIP registered notification if SIP registration was required.
    • setRemoteSDP

      void setRemoteSDP(String id, String sdp, Boolean isInitiator)
      Streaming and SIP. WCS sends SDP for a stream or call.
      id - callId or streamId
      sdp - SDP of WCS server
      isInitiator - true if initiator of a call or stream is an Android app
    • notifyTryingResponse

      void notifyTryingResponse(CallObject callObject)
      SIP. WCS sends such notification if 100 TRYING received from SIP end.
      callObject -
    • ring

      void ring(CallObject callObject)
      SIP. WCS sends such notification if 180 Ringing received from the SIP end.
      callObject -
    • busy

      void busy(CallObject callObject)
      SIP. WCS sends such notification if BUSY HERE or BUSY EVERYWHERE received from SIP end.
      callObject -
    • hold

      void hold(CallObject callObject)
      SIP. WCS sends such notification if the SIP call is holded.
      callObject -
    • talk

      void talk(CallObject callObject)
      SIP. WCS sends such notification if the SIP call is established.
      callObject -
    • finish

      void finish(CallObject callObject)
      SIP. WCS sends such notification if the SIP call is terminated.
      callObject -
    • notifyIncomingCall

      void notifyIncomingCall(CallObject callObject)
      SIP. WCS sends such notification on a new incoming call caused by a new SIP INVITE incoming transaction.
      callObject -
    • OnDataEvent

      void OnDataEvent(Data data)
      Websocket signaling. WCS sends such notification when somebody does sendData() for this Websocket-connected user
      data -
    • DataStatusEvent

      void DataStatusEvent(Data data)
      Websocket signaling. WCS sends such notification when Android app did sendData() and awaiting the status of sending.
      data -
    • notifyStreamStatusEvent

      void notifyStreamStatusEvent(StreamObject streamObject)
      Streaming. WCS sends such notification when status of playback or published stream is changed.
      streamObject -
    • inboundVideoRate

      void inboundVideoRate(VideoRateStat videoRate)
      Streaming. WCS sends inbound video rate stat
      videoRate -
    • outboundVideoRate

      void outboundVideoRate(VideoRateStat videoRate)
      Streaming. WCS sends inbound video rate stat
      videoRate -
    • availableStream

      void availableStream(AvailableStreamObject available)
    • notifyStreamEvent

      void notifyStreamEvent(StreamEvent streamEvent)